Liverpool - 0151 321 0655 Affordable Building Projects

Wall Knock Through Blackpool

We Carry Out Quick , Quality and Affordable Wall Knock Throughs In Blackpool ! 

Wall Knock Through BlackpoolWhen a load bearing wall knock through is to be carried out in Blackpool it is essential that a structural specialist who is an expert at structural alterations carry’s out the work so that it is done so safely and effectively .

If you live in Blackpool and want a wall knock through carried out then we are the obvious option for you . Not only are we structural specialist builders who are experts at all structural alterations and structural repairs but we are also incredibly fast and super affordable !

This post will detail the process of a wall knock through thoroughly , the risks in not getting a structural specialist such as ourselves to carry out the structural alteration and finally why you should call us today at 0151 321 9880 / 0161 401 0226 today !

The Process Of A Wall Knock Through 

The first step in a wall knock through is to set up the site so that when we do carry out the demolition of the wall that your property will always be completely clean and no damage will occur to the property or any items within the property .

After this we would then start structurally propping up the loads above the wall . We would do this so that when we demolish the wall the loads above it are safely structurally supported . This would be done by temporarily installing structural supports and this further supported by temporary structural propping tools underneath the structural supports.

Next , we would remove the wall slowly and effectively with our Kango drill . After the wall has been removed we would dispose of the debris quickly by moving it into a skip . The next step would be to install a rolled steel joist to support the above loads of the removed wall .

To conclude , after the loads are properly supported we would then remove the temporary structural supports as they would no longer be needed and then we would do one final clean up of the site and the job would be complete .

The Risks In Not Getting A Structural Specialist To Carry Out The Job And Why You Should Call Us ! 

Wall Knock Through BlackpoolAnytime you are looking to get a structural alteration completed it is of the upmost importance that you get a structural specialist builder who is an expert at all structural alterations to carry out the construction works.

No other builder other than a structural specialist will have the experience or skill to carry out the job safely and if a mistake is made when carrying out the structural alteration then there is a massive chance that dire consequences will happen such as the structural collapse of the property .

If you have any doubts that we are structural specialists then we encourage you to click here and see all of our structural services and further to click here and see all of our customer testimonials on the ABP website .

So , if you need a wall knock through in Blackpool then call us today at 0151 321 9880 !

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