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Structural Crack Repair Salford

Structural Crack Repair Salford

Do you have a structural crack in your home in Salford and are in need of a repair ? If so then you have clicked on the right article  because in this article we will be covering what structural crack is and why it is caused , how we repair structural cracks and finally why you should always call us first if you are looking to get structural crack repairs in your home in Salford !

Firstly Lets Go Over What A Structural Crack Is And How It Is Caused 

A structural crack is a crack in the brickwork which is caused due to structural issues in the property . Structural cracks can get worse over time and this is why it is vital to contact a structural specialist as soon as you notice a structural crack in your home .

Furthermore structural cracks may just be masking a much greater issue such as failings in the foundation and if not fixed as soon as possible can be very costly . However , if your structural crack is above a lintel the primary reason why this has occurred will be because a lintel has been incorrectly installed . When in doubt contact us and we will find out !

How We Repair Structural Cracks 

Depending on how the structural crack is caused we would fix it in a variety of different ways . For example if the structural crack is caused by a failing lintel we would have to carry out a lintel repair . Another example would be that if the foundation has caused the structural cracks we would have to repair the foundation using a process called underpinning .

All of these examples would require the use of anti crack helical ties which would be installed where the structural cracks are . These anti crack helical ties would be placed in between the layers of brickwork which are causing the crack , they would act to join each other together .

Once these processes have been completed a plasterer would have to come in to make the wall look aesthetically pleasing .

Why You Should Call Us First For Your Structural Crack Repair Salford!

Structural Crack Repair SalfordYou should always call us first before any other contractor because we will give you the best quality of work possible in the fastest time for the most affordable cost. Plus we can guarantee that if you choose us to be your contactor that you will be entirely satisfied with the works completed .

We should warn you , if a contractor does decide to undercut us in price they may not be structural experts like us . You get what you pay for at the end of the day , and even though we are very affordable builders they’re are people who think they should get it cheaper . Often when these people choose the cheaper version they run into problems because they’re builder hasn’t got the knowledge we have when it comes to structural work and they get things wrong .

This will never be an issue if you go with us . If you click here this will take you to are over fifty customer testimonials . So make sure to call us today at 0161 401 0226 , plus click here and this will take you to our website .

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