Liverpool - 0151 321 0655 Affordable Building Projects

Cheshire Lintel Repair

We Can Repair Your Lintel In Cheshire ! 

In Cheshire we carry out many lintel repair / repairs . If your lintel is facing problems in your home and you are looking for a replacement / repair then make sure to call us today at either 0151 321 9880 or at 0161 401 0226 !

If you read this post you will find out what a lintel repair is , why a lintel repair is often needed , the dangers of a failed lintel and lastly what builder is best for you ! You can always call us at 0151 321 9880 or at 0161 401 0226 if you need any advice for your lintel repair .

What A Lintel Repair Is 

Cheshire Lintel RepairA lintel repair is when a lintel that has been damaged gets repaired . For a lintel to be repaired properly a structural specialist must carry out the job for it to be done safely . Safety is essential for a lintel repair because if the lintel is not repaired properly the property can face structural damage .

The best way to repair a lintel is to just replace the lintel entirely . Depending on the size of the lintel and the weight, the lintel may need specialty machinery . This is another reason why it is essential to contact a structural builder instead of a generic builder because the generic builder will not have the experience to use this specialty machinery if it is needed and may damage your home .

Why A Lintel Repair Is Often Needed 

A lintel repair is needed when a lintel fails because if it is not repaired then structural problems can develop such as wall cracks . Often older lintels can fail because they were timber and now this timber lintel has aged to failure , this is why we use concrete or steel lintels now instead .

Other reasons are that a incompetent builder has failed to install the lintel and now it has failed and needs replacement . Remember to call us today at 0161 401 0226 or 0151 321 9880 if you want your lintel repaired properly !

Call Us Today ! 

Make sure to call us today at 0161 401 0226 or at 0151 321 9880 ! Alternatively you can contact us via our website if you click here . If you want to see all of our customer testimonials then click here and this will take you to our countless customer testimonials on the ABP website .



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