Liverpool - 0151 321 0655 Affordable Building Projects

Wirral Chimney Breast Removal

Do You Want A Chimney Breast Removal On The Wirral ? 

Wirral Chimney Breast RemovalIf you want a chimney breast removal on the Wirral then make sure to call us today at 0151 321 9880 ! Click here and this will take you to our customer testimonials on the ABP website , all of these testimonials are independent and completely verified .

We are structural specialists who over the past three decades have mastered all forms of structural alterations and repairs . So you can be entirely confident that when we carry out your chimney breast removal no issues will occur , the chimney breast will be removed fast and properly because we are total experts who will always treat your home with the upmost respect !

In this post we will go over the process of a chimney breast removal and why you must get a structural expert who has massive experience to carry out your chimney breast removal to ensure that your property is always structurally safe and sound .

Why You Must Get A Structural Expert To Carry Out Your Chimney Breast Removal 

Wirral Chimney Breast RemovalWhen any structural alterations and repairs is to be carried out a structural expert must always carry out the job so that no problems occur . Many cowboy builders will undercut the expert on price but you get what you pay for and if the chimney breast is not properly taken out then the whole chimney stack can collapse and possible land on someone and be fatal .

We highly suggest that your builder is apart of the ABP as well as this you should make sure they have many years of experience as well as their own website so you can ensure that they aren’t a cowboy builder.

The Process Of A Chimney Breast Removal 

The first step in any chimney breast removal is to set up the site for cleaning and so that the property is always clean while we do the work and after we leave the site . Next we would structurally prop up the loads above the chimney breast including the chimney stack .

We would do this by using structural props and structural supports . Then we could remove the chimney breast using various drills and hammers . But without the expertise of our specialists these tools would be useless.

To conclude we would install gallows brackets to structurally support the chimney stack and then we would safely remove the structural props and supports . To conclude we would then do one final clean up of the site and the job would be done.


Wirral Chimney Breast RemovalIf you need a chimney breast removal on the Wirral then call us today at 0151 321 9880 ! Or you can contact us on our contact form via our website by clicking here .

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