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Chimney Breast Removal Salford

Do You Need A Chimney Breast Removal In Salford ?

Chimney Breast Removal SalfordWe provide the safest chimney breast removal / removals in Salford whilst also completing the job in supreme speed and professionalism .  In this article you will discover what a chimney breast removal is , how we complete chimney breast removals and lastly why you should always go with a trusted chimney breast removal specialist first before any other contractor .

Firstly , What A Chimney Breast Removal Is . 

A chimney breast removal is simply when a chimney breast , often in the living room , is taken out which creates a much larger and open space in the room .Chimney breast removals are very popular in Salford for families who are looking for more room in their home. But another major reason we get is that a lot of clients are looking for a more modern and stylish look to their home .  Due to the fireplaces mostly being inactive in most homes they are no longer used and are often plaster boarded up and plastered . So it can be not only be a detriment to the look of the home but also takes up a surprisingly large amount of space that can be further used to place appliances like Televisions.

Now Onto How A Chimney Breast Removal Is Carried Out .

The first step into carrying out a chimney breast removal would be to put down dust sheets and set up cleaning procedures so that during the works the home is always clean . Additionally,  this would help us later on during the final cleaning phase of the chimney breast removal .

Next we would structurally support the chimney stack and the above chimney breast sections that aren’t being removed if there is any . This must be done because during the chimney breast removal the chimney breast sections above the one being removed as well as the chimney stack would be structurally unsound and unsafe if we do not support it .

We would support the chimney stack and the chimney breast sections above the one being removed by fitting a structural support tool called a Strong Boy in between the brickwork above the chimney breast being removed . Once this has been done we would prop up this Strong Boy support with an acrow , another structural support tool , which would then totally structurally support the chimney breasts and the chimney stack .

After This Has Been Done We Would Then Begin The Chimney Breast Removal In Salford.

The chimney breast would be removed using a variety of tools , these tools include a Kango drill , a brick hammer , a bolster hammer but more importantly would be the expertise and knowledge of our structural specialists who have over three decades of experience . Brickwork and debris would then be taken away into either a skip or into the back of our van to be disposed of in the proper procedures.

Structurally Supporting The Chimney Stack 

After all of the brickwork has been taken out we would then have to put in a permanent device that would structurally support the chimney stack / the chimney breast sections above the one being taken away permanently . More often than not the device we would use would be gallows brackets . These gallows brackets would be installed in the loft space if all of the chimney breasts are being taken out . The gallows brackets would be installed below the above chimney breast sections above the one being taken out / the chimney stack , this would be done because it would totally structurally support the loads above .

The Final Cleaning Procedure 

The final step would be to clean up the rest of the debris that would be in the room where the chimney breast has been removed. We would do this very easily because of our first step which was to put down the dust sheets .

Why You Should Choose A Structural Expert To Carry Out Your Structural Work 

You should always choose a structural expert like us before going with any other contractor because we structural specialists have both the experience and knowledge that other general contractors simply do not have . For example we have over three decades of experience and have dealt with any complication that can occur from complex structural work .

In fact if you click here you will see a large proportion of the structural services that we offer , these include wall knock throughs , lintel repairs and underpinning . But we do carry out all forms of structural work , big or small , domestic or commercial .

A primary reason why you should choose us instead of other structural specialists is because of the large amount of customer testimonials that we have that many structural specialists do not have . If you click here you will see that we have over fifty five star customer testimonials on the prestigious ABP website where you will see that all of these clients recommend us for any structural work a person needs .

Make sure to call us today at 0161 401 0226 !

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