Liverpool - 0151 321 0655 Affordable Building Projects

Widnes Wall Knock Throughs

We Provide Widnes Wall Knock Throughs

Do you need wall knock throughs in Widnes and are unsure on how to go about it and are looking for a structural expert to carry out the works for you for an affordable cost ? If so then carry on reading this article and you will find out why we are the best contractor for you and how we will carry out the work plus the positives of getting a wall knock through .

Widnes Wall Knock ThroughsFirstly lets discuss what a wall knock through is and why it is carried out . A wall knock through is when a wall is knocked down and it joins two rooms into one . Wall knock throughs are often carried out by clients who have a little bit of money saved up so they can invest it into their home by creating a open space in their property and therefore create a more modern look . Often clients say that they would like to get a wall knock through so if they do decide to sell they could possibly sell it for more , we aren’t financial advisors but this is what they say .

Next how we would carry out the wall knock through . The first step into carrying out a wall knock through would be to set up dust sheets so we are prepared to clean up the site after we have completed the wall knock through . After this we would then structurally support the load above the wall by putting in structural needles above the wall and propping up those structural needles with acrows . After this we would then begin the removal process , firstly by using a Kango drill which would take out select bricks in the wall to destabilise it and then we would start knocking through the wall with a sledgehammer in conjunction with a bolster hammer to remove the rest of the wall .

Once this is completed we would clean up the debris from the wall knock through and put it into bin bags which would then go into either a skip or the van and be taken to the dump . This of course would be done easily because we have prepared for the site cleaning and clearance from the beginning by putting down dust sheets .

Now you may be asking why you should choose us instead of another contractor and the simple answer is because we are the best . Its that simple , most contractors you will contact will not be structural specialists like us so the risk you would be taking instead of choosing us would be monumentally higher and when it comes to structural work ,like a wall knock through , we would highly advise against choosing a contractor who isn’t an expert .

In fact a large percentage of the work we carry out is from clients who contact us because their previous contractor has messed up the structural aspect of the work . So we would highly advise you go to a structural specialist first . Even though the general contractor may charge less, there is a much higher chance if you go with them of something going wrong and the work costing a lot more than it needed to be .

As stated before we are structural specialists , we have over three decades of experience and fifty customer testimonials so we proudly state that we are one of if not the best structural specialists in the country . If you click on this link here this will take you to the ABP website where you will see that we not only have fifty verified customer testimonials which you can read but that we also are five stars rated .

So if you are looking on carrying out a wall knock through in Widnes for an affordable cost then make sure to call us at 0151 321 9880 , you can also see a large range of the structural services we offer if you click here , this will take you to our website. All quotes are free with ABP ! So call us today at 0151 321 9880 !


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