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Bolton Wall Knock Through

Do You Want A Wall Knock Through In Bolton ? 

Bolton Wall Knock ThroughIf you want a wall knock through in Bolton then make sure to call 0161 401 0226 today ! We are structural experts who carry out all forms of structural alteration and repairs such as wall knock through’s , lintel repairs plus more !

In this post we will detail how a wall knock through should be done  and lastly why you must call 0161 401 0226 if you want a proper wall knock through carried out in your home in a fast time and for an affordable cost .

The Steps Of A Wall Knock Through 

The first step a proper builder would take before carrying out a wall knock through would be to get a structural engineer to create a structural design so that the correct steel beam is installed that can safely structurally support the above loads of the soon to be demolished wall .

After this we would structurally support the above loads of the wall by propping up these loads with temporary structural supports called Strong Boys and then underneath these Strong boys we would use propping devices called acrows.

Once this has been done we would then demolish the wall using a Kango drill and various other tools . We would demolish the wall bit by bit to ensure no other part of your property is damaged and to control the debris .

Whilst working we would always be simultaneously cleaning the site of any debris and put this debris into a skip . When the wall has been demolished we would then install the steel beam as per designed by the structural engineer.

This would then complete the wall knock through and we could safely remove the temporary structural supports and props . Furthermore we would then clean up any remaining skip and remove the skip .

Why You Must Call Us ! 

If you want a safe , effective , fast and affordable wall knock through then it is essential that you call us at 0161 401 0226 ! This is because we are master structural builder who over the past three decades have become experts at all structural alterations and repairs and unlike other builders we can prove it !

Click here and this will take you to our many customer testimonials on the nationally renowned ABP website where all of these testimonials are completely verified and rate us five stars !

Click here and this will prove we are structural experts . This will take you to our structural services page which will show a range of structural alterations and repair services we provide . So to conclude , call us today at 0161 401 0226 and get an affordable price from experts for a quick and proper wall knock through in your property !



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